ZWIFT-Triathlon Blog

ZWIFT Japan Group Ride LeaderのIWABUCHIです。インドアトレーニングアプリ・ZWIFTを通して、世界戦を目指すトライアスロン・ZWIFTを基本としたブログです。

こんなにハードなRace & Run ... 楽しくてしょうがない!

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今日のイベントはRace & Ride ! エンデューロ+group Rideのイメージでした!実は、今年約10年ぶりにエンデューロへ出場するかもしれないので私にとっても良いトレーニングになります👍

Japan Endurance [Race & Ride] 100km!!
Queen’s High Way 33laps/参加者数:264
GMT 28.Mar.pm8:05/JST 29.Mar.am5:05

Lead in はグループライド。Event Startの時点で219名の参加者!最終的に264名のBig Rideとなりました。多くのご参加ありがとうございました。
さて、Lead inの途中から、Race Groupは4.0w/kg にパワーをageteRed Groupとギャップを作りました。その後、私の合図でレースはスタートしました!グループライドのリーダーはRED Beacon(K.Iさん)で、Red groupは3.0~3.3w/kg/kgを継続しました。

このイベントのRace GroupはGate通過毎にポイントを付与します!
1st :10pt





Yellow Beaconは出来る限り先頭集団にいて実況中継!
Race Start でRace groupに乗ったのは100名以上でした。
1st pack - 75 riders / Lap1
1st pack : 29 riders / lap5
1st pack : 20 riders / lap10
1st pack : 16 riders + lapped riders / lap15
1st pack : 10 riders(include lapped riders) / lap20
1st pack : 9 riders(include lapped riders) / lap25
1st pack : 8 riders(include lapped riders) / lap30
上記を見て分かる通り、まさにサバイバルレースでした。しかし、ドロップしてしまったり、体力的に辛いと感じた場合は、RED Groupに参加して呼吸を整える事ができます。何名かはそのようにされておりましたね。
また、ラップされる瞬間に、1st PackにJump upして最後までライドされたRacerもいました。



Zwiftpower の集計結果!
🏆JI 281pts
🥈R.G 258pts
🥉T.Iwa 222pts
4th D.M 199pts
5th W.O 165pts
6th M.B 134pts
7th B.H 93pts
8th E.H 88pts
9th O.B 75pts
10th K.E 42pts

そして、100km のゴール結果は↓
4th T.I
5th W.O
6th M.B
7th R.N
8th E.H
9th K.M
10th B.H




Japan Endurance Race & Ride終了後、間髪入れずにRun Meet up !!
・King of Swim
・Darren Bramwell
・rose さん
上記5名で15kmのMeet up Runningを実施しました。


コースはいつも通りTour of Fire and Ice🌋🏔 👍
15km の内訳は下記の通りです。
0~5km - 4:50/km
5~10km - 4:40/km
10~14km - 4:30/km
14~15km - FREE!!

お互いに、、、5年くらい前は、こうしてお互いにRunningをZwiftでしているとは想像できなかったという話をしていました (^^)


Ride on!!

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Today's event was the image of Race & Ride! Enduro + group Ride! In fact, it may be a good training for me because I may play Enduro for the first time in about 10 years this year.

Japan Endurance [Race & Ride] 100km !!
Queen ’s High Way 33laps / Participants: 264
GMT 28.Mar.pm8: 05 / JST 29.Mar.am5: 05

Lead in is a group ride. 219 participants at Event Start! Eventually it became 264 Big Ride. Thank you for your participation.
By the way, in the middle of Lead in, Race Group made power to 4.0w / kg and made a gap to Red Group. Then the race started with my signal! The leader of the group ride is RED Beacon (K.I), while the Red group continued at 3.0 ~ 3.3w / kg / kg.

The Race Group for this event will award points for each pass through the Gate!
Point system is limited to ZwiftPower registrants.
1st: 10pt
2nd: 9pt
3rd: 8pt ……
10th: 1pt


1. Win or Lose based on total points
2.Win or lose by 100km goal
We competed in the above two.

This course is very up and down, so if you do not stay in front of the group on the uphill section, there will be no rest on the downhill. And around the goal gate every lap, you will be attacked to get points! It was a very painful and fun ride. 3km * 33lap !!


Yellow Beacon is in the leading group as much as possible and broadcast live!
More than 100 people got on the Race group at Race Start.
Below is the change in the number of people in the top group.
1st pack-75 riders / Lap1
1st pack: 29 riders / lap5
1st pack: 20 riders / lap10
1st pack: 16 riders + lapped riders / lap15
1st pack: 10 riders (include lapped riders) / lap20
1st pack: 9 riders (include lapped riders) / lap25
1st pack: 8 riders (include lapped riders) / lap30
As you can see from the above, it was a survival race. However, if you drop or feel physically sick, you can join the RED Group to get your breathing done. Some people did that.
Also, at the moment of the lap, some Racer jumped up to the 1st Pack and rode to the end.
In any case, today's course was very hard for Race and Ride!

f:id:iwabuchizwift:20200329110429j:plain f:id:iwabuchizwift:20200329110438j:plain


Zwiftpower Total Results!
🏆JI 281pts
🥈R.G 258pts
🥉T.Iwa 222pts
4th D.M 199pts
5th W.O 165pts
6th M.B 134pts
7th B.H 93pts
8th E.H 88pts
9th O.B 75pts
10th K.E 42pts
It was almost JI's sole activity

And the goal result of 100km is ↓
4th T.I
5th W.O
6th M.B
7th R.N
8th E.H
9th K.M
10th B.H

Thank you very much!

As you can see from this power graph, there are 33 Sprints. TSS also exceeds 200.


After the Japan Endurance Race & Ride, Run Meet up !!
Today's members
・ King of Swim
・ Darren Bramwell
・ M.M
・ Rose
・ Iwabuchi
15km Meet up Running was conducted by the above five people.
[f: id: iwabuchizwift: 20200329110816j: plain]

The course is as usual Tour of Fire and Ice🌋🏔 👍
The breakdown of 15km is as follows.
0-5km-4: 50 / km
5-10km-4: 40 / km
10-14km-4: 30 / km
14 ~ 15km-FREE !!

King and rose enjoyed the chat while running.
We talked to each other, about five years ago, that we couldn't imagine running each other in Zwift in this way (^^)
I never trained so much indoors and never thought I could get to know many athletes.
When I was running while having such a conversation, 15km was over in no time.
The last 1km was completed with the pace up to around 3: 30 / km.


Ride on !!

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