ZWIFT-Triathlon Blog

ZWIFT Japan Group Ride LeaderのIWABUCHIです。インドアトレーニングアプリ・ZWIFTを通して、世界戦を目指すトライアスロン・ZWIFTを基本としたブログです。

Hard 100km Race & Ride‼️

にほんブログ村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへ
にほんブログ村 自転車ブログへ


Finished Endurance [Race & Ride] 106km!!
Volcano Circuit 25laps/参加者数:109
GMT 22.Jan.pm8:05/JST 23.Jan.am5:05

今日のイベントはRace & Ride ! エンデューロ+group Rideのイメージです。

Lead in はグループライド、その後私の合図でレースはスタート!グループライドのリーダーはRED Beaconで、Red groupは3.0~3.3w/kg/kgを継続しました。

このイベントのRace GroupはGate通過毎にポイントを付与します!
1st :10pt
最終周回のみ、Point 3倍!!


ほとんどFlatではあるものの、volcano CircuitにはKOMへの入り口のSlopeとポイントゲットのためにGate手前からアタックがかかります。4.2km/lapの周回コースで2

Yellow Beaconは出来る限り先頭集団にいて実況中継!
Race Start でRace groupに乗ったのは53名程!
1st pack -53
1st pack : 27 riders / lap5
1st pack : 21 riders / lap10
Lap 11でRide Groupをラップする際にRace group から8 名が脱落しました!
1st pack : 12 riders / lap15
1st pack : 10 riders / lap20
1st pack : 9 riders / lap25


Zwiftpower の集計結果!

🏆JI 236pts
🥈R. 205pts
🥉K.Y 191pts
4th D M
5th A A
6th T.I
7th T.K
8th M.H
9th S.N
10th M

そして、100km のゴール結果は↓
4th K.Y
5th T.I
6th JI
7th K.T
8th M.H
9th A.A
10th R.N


Ride on!!


First of all, from the power graph that is easy to understand visually what kind of training ride was ^ ^

Finished Endurance [Race & Ride] 106km !!
Volcano Circuit 25laps / Participants: 109
GMT 22.Jan.pm8: 05 / JST 23.Jan.am5: 05

Today's event is the image of Race & Ride! Enduro + group Ride.

Lead in is a group ride, and then my signal starts the race! The group ride leader is RED Beacon, while the Red group continued at 3.0-3.3w / kg.

The Race Group for this event will award points for each pass through the Gate!
Point system is limited to ZwiftPower registrants.
1st: 10pt
2nd: 9pt
3rd: 8pt ……
10th: 1pt
Only the last lap, Point is triple!

1. Win / Loss based on total points
2.Win or lose by 100km goal
We competed in the above two.

Although almost flat, the volcano circuit has an attack from just before the gate to get the slope and point at the entrance to the KOM. 2 on a 4.2km / lap circuit
Attack each time! It was a very painful and fun ride. 2 * 25lap = 50 times in total (🤣)

Yellow Beacon is in the leading group as much as possible and broadcast live!
About 53 people got on the Race group at Race Start!
Below is the change in the number of people in the top group.
1st pack -53
1st pack: 27 riders / lap5
1st pack: 21 riders / lap10
Eight people dropped out of the Race group when rapping the Ride Group on Lap 11!
1st pack: 12 riders / lap15
1st pack: 10 riders / lap20
1st pack: 9 riders / lap25


Zwiftpower Total Results!

🏆JI 236pts
🥈R. 205pts
🥉K.Y 191pts
4th D M
5th A A
6th T.I
7th T.K
8th M.H
9th S.N
10th M

And the goal result of 100km is ↓
4th K.Y
5th T.I
6th JI
7th K.T
8th M.H
9th A.A
10th R.N

Thank you very much!

Ride on !!
