ZWIFT-Triathlon Blog

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Stage 2 -Tour de ZWIFT-について紹介します🏔🚴‍♀️💨

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今日は日本時間1月16日(木曜)18:00〜開始されるTour de Zwift 2020のstage2について紹介します💡🚴‍♀️

Innsbruckは2018 UCI Road World Championshipの開催地となった地です。コースが忠実に再現されているのがまた楽しみの一つですね。

①Ride-A category
Course-Innsbruck KOM After Party
Distance: 37.2km (23.1 miles)
Elevation Gain: 640m (2100′)

フラットなルート'Innsbruckring'8.7km/lapを3周回した後に、Innsbruck KOMへ突入します!
Innsbruck KOMの詳細はこちら↓
Distance-7.4km (4.6 miles)
Elevation-400m (1311′)

②Ride-B Category
Course-Innsbruckring 2laps 17.8km
Distance: 8.8km (5.5 miles)/lap
Elevation Gain: 72m (237′)/lap


③Ride-C category※women only
Course-2018 UCI Worlds short lap
Distance: 23.6km (14.7 miles)
Elevation Gain: 487m (1598′)

このコースは、スタートしてすぐに、Innsbruck KOM(Distance-7.4km (4.6 miles)
Elevation-400m (1311′) )へ向かいます。

Course-Innsbruckring 2laps 17.8km
Distance: 8.8km (5.5 miles)/lap
Elevation Gain: 72m (237′)/lap

②Ride Eventと全く同じコースレイアウトです。

Course -Innsbruckring 9km

Ride On!!


Today I will introduce Stage 2 of Tour de Zwift 2020, which starts at 18:00 on Thursday, January 16, Japan time.
(GMT 16.Jan.am9:00)

Innsbruck is the home of the 2018 UCI Road World Championship. One of the pleasures is that the course is faithfully reproduced.

①Ride-A category
Course-Innsbruck KOM After Party
Distance: 37.2km (23.1 miles)
Elevation Gain: 640m (2100 ′)

After 3 laps on the flat route 'Innsbruckring' 8.7km / lap, rush into Innsbruck KOM!

Details on Innsbruck KOM ↓
Distance-7.4km (4.6 miles)
Elevation-400m (1311 ′)

This KOM is about 20 minutes climb at 4w / kg ^^
Also, the Innsbruckring is described as a flat route, but there is a 450m-8% uphill slope 5km from the start.
The first point is to avoid dropping out of the group on this gradient.
Because it is a group ride, I want to go downhill with the power of the riders around.
The last KOM is a bit long, but let's enjoy the ride to reach the top goal!

②Ride-B Category
Course-Innsbruckring 2laps 17.8km
Distance: 8.8km (5.5 miles) / lap
Elevation Gain: 72m (237 ′) / lap

The point, as explained in ①, is a 450m-8% uphill slope 5km from the start.
You may need to do some work to avoid dropping from the crowd.
It seems that it will end in no time because it is two laps ^ ^;

③Ride-C category * women only
Course-2018 UCI Worlds short lap
Distance: 23.6km (14.7 miles)
Elevation Gain: 487m (1598 ′)

As soon as the course started, Innsbruck KOM (Distance-7.4km (4.6 miles)
Go to Elevation-400m (1311 ′)).
After finishing the KOM, after a long descent, lap the Innsbruckring and reach the goal.

Course-Innsbruckring 2laps 17.8km
Distance: 8.8km (5.5 miles) / lap
Elevation Gain: 72m (237 ′) / lap

② The course layout is exactly the same as Ride Event.
The point is attacked at the location as shown.
The point is how to capture this slope.

Course -Innsbruckring 9km

Stage1 ends day after tomorrow. Join it and unlock the exclusive kit!
Ride On !!

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