ZWIFT-Triathlon Blog

ZWIFT Japan Group Ride LeaderのIWABUCHIです。インドアトレーニングアプリ・ZWIFTを通して、世界戦を目指すトライアスロン・ZWIFTを基本としたブログです。

キター‼️ 3.9w/kg✖️100分👍

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✏︎Japan Base Ride
Course:Tempus Fugit 4Laps
GMT 2.Apr.pm8:30/ JST 3.Apr.am4:30

本日のBase Rideはいつもより少なめの参加者数でしたね。その分、グループはまとまりが良く、皆さんにとってはRideしやすかったのではないでしょうか?

今日も私はB groupのLeadingをしました。朝起きて、ペダリングしてみると非常に調子が良く感じたので、私は今日のターゲットパワーを3.9w/kg に決めました。
結果は、狙い通りにAvg3.9w/kg を達成できました。皆さんの安定したGroupingのおかげです。
Lap Time もいつにも増して安定しておりました。
Lead in 3:24
Lap Time 24:01-24:00-23:51-23:52
Gross 27:25-51:25-1:15:16-1:39:08

下の写真は、A Groupとのすれ違いの瞬間です。
今日は参加者17名、完走者9名と少なめでしたが、あの人数でもB Groupとの差を少しずつ詰めていました。流石です😲

①1st half 274w/134bpm=2.04458
②2nd half 288w/146bpm=1.97260
Total 281w/140bpm2.00714

Ride On!!

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This time, my body felt good for the first time in a while, so I set the target at 3.9w/kg!

︎Japan Base Ride

(A)4.0~4.5(B)3.3~3.9(C)2.7~3.2w/kg (A)4.0~4.5(B)3.3~3.9(C)2.7~3.2w/kg

Course:Tempus Fugit 4Laps

Number of participants:A-17,B-50,C-56-,total-123

GMT 2.April.pm8:30/ JST 3.April.am4:30

Today's Base Ride had a smaller number of participants than usual. I think it was easier for everyone to ride because the group was more cohesive.

Today I also did my B group leading. I woke up in the morning and pedaling the bike felt very good, so I decided on 3.9w/kg of target power for the day.

The result was an Avg of 3.9w/kg, which was right on target. Thanks to everyone's steady Grouping.

Lap Time was also more stable than ever.

= ===

Lead in 3:24

Lap Time 24:01-24:00-23:51-23:52

Gross 27:25-51:25-1:15:16-1:39:08

= =.

It's a 100-minute training ride with a certain amount of power, and you'll see the benefits of this training in the long run.

We hope you will join us again.

The photo below shows the moment of passing each other with A Group.

Today there were 17 participants and 9 finishers, but even with that number of participants, we were able to close the gap with B Group. You're right.

Here's the relationship between power and heart rate for the day.

(1) 1st half 274w/134bpm=2.04458

(2) 2nd half 288w/146bpm=1.97260

Total 281w/140bpm2.00714

(3) = (2) - (1) = 0.07198



I'm just trying to be average today 👍👍

Ride On!

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