ZWIFT-Triathlon Blog

ZWIFT Japan Group Ride LeaderのIWABUCHIです。インドアトレーニングアプリ・ZWIFTを通して、世界戦を目指すトライアスロン・ZWIFTを基本としたブログです。


にほんブログ村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへ
にほんブログ村 自転車ブログへ

週初めのJETT Group Ride ! 今日のコースは、Greater London Flat! ほとんどフラットなコースなのでGrouping がしやすかったですね。

✏️Monday Morning Ride 2.5〜3.0w/kg
Greater London Flat 50mins/参加者数:111
JST(UTC+9) 11.May.am5:55

ただ、今日の先頭ライダー数名は4~6w/kg でグループを引いておりました。何度も注意をしましたが、聞いてもらえなかったので、2w/kg * 1minを皆さんにお願いしました。

👑adam#RelmCyclingApparel 9.84!!



Ride On!

✏️Monday Morning Ride 2.5 to 3.0w/kg
Greater London Flat 50mins / Number of participants:111
JST(UTC+9) 11.May.am5:55

JETT Group Ride at the beginning of the week! Today's course was Greater London Flat! It was easy to do grouping because the course was almost flat.
However, some of today's leading riders were pulling the group at 4~6w/kg. I asked everyone to do 2w/kg * 1min because I gave them a lot of attention but they didn't listen.
This allowed the group to create a gap with the lead rider and allowed the group to ride consistently.
Thank you all for your support!

Sprint has been won by Adam!
👑adam#RelmCyclingApparel 9.84!!!
That's a great time!

We also set aside time for a Japanese lesson for Brad today. Yesterday was Mother's Day, so today's topic was exclusively about 'HAHA(JPN)=‘Mother(ENG) (🤣)

It was another good Monday ride today!
Thank you so much!

Ride On!