ZWIFT-Triathlon Blog

ZWIFT Japan Group Ride LeaderのIWABUCHIです。インドアトレーニングアプリ・ZWIFTを通して、世界戦を目指すトライアスロン・ZWIFTを基本としたブログです。

Tom Pidcockが参加⁉️Japan Base Ride🚴‍♀️

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今日は、なんと、tom PidcockがJapan Base Ride に参加してくださいました!?と思ったら人違い??名前は一緒ですが、年齢が、、、^^;

Tempus Fugit 4aps
GMT 6.Fev.pm7:30/ JST 7.Feb.am4:30

今日も完璧なGroup Rideでした!参加者は下記の通りです。
A group - 38
B group - 53
C group - 67

B groupはスタートからすぐにGroupを形成でき、予定どおりSprint のGateから指定ワットである3.9w/kg にパワーを上げました。Groupは一度も崩れることなく、そしてFront Riderも指定ワットをしっかり守って安定したグループライドでした。

Lap Time は下記の通りです。
Lead in 3:25
Lap time 24:05-24:11-23:48
Gross 27:30-51:41-1:15:48-1:38:36


B Groupは全員がA groupへ合流し、C groupも多くのライダーがA groupへ合流しました!
そして、4.5w/kg をキープしてLast 1km FREE Ride !!

最後の1kmはアイテム使用不可のFREE Ride !

Last 1km からFREE Ride !
(A Group)
4th K.M
5th T.K
6th s.k
7th M.K
8th C.H
9th A.G
10th K.K

(B Group)
4th t.t
5th m.i
6th L.G
7th V.D
8th J.P
9th T.S
10th S.P

(C Group)
4th T.I
5th S.K
6th H.
7th t.s
8th C.N
9th A.G
10th D.R



Ride On!


Today, tom Pidcock participated in Japan Base Ride⁉️

[f: id: iwabuchizwift: 20200207082123j: image]
(A) 4.0 ~ 4.5 (B) 3.3 ~ 3.9 (C) 2.7 ~ 3.2w / kg
Tempus Fugit 4aps
Participants: A-38, B-53, C-67, total-158
GMT 6.Fev.pm7: 30 / JST 7.Feb.am4: 30

I'm so happy to ride with the world's top pros.
It was a perfect Group Ride today! Participants are as follows.
A group-38
B group-53
C group-67
Total-158 people!
As always, thank you so much for your participation despite the TDZ period.

The B group was able to form a group right from the start, and increased its power from the Sprint Gate to the specified wattage of 3.9w / kg as planned. The Group never collapsed, and Front Rider was a stable group ride with the specified watts.

Lap Time is as follows.
Lead in 3:25
Lap time 24: 05-24: 11-23: 48
Gross 27: 30-51: 41-1: 15: 48-1: 38: 36

The ratio of participants in each category today was a very good ratio considering the timing of joining.
If you have the most A, you will catch B and C too early. However, today, thanks to headcount ratios and power keep, it was at the same time that ABC and all categories joined. The rest is only one lap! It is about 17km.

Everyone in B Group joined A group, and many riders in C group joined A group!
And keep 4.5w / kg last 1km FREE Ride !!

The last 1km is FREE Ride!

FREE Ride from Last 1km!
(A Group)
🏆k. @ U
4th K.M
5th T.K
6th s.k
7th M.K
8th C.H
9th A.G
10th K.K

(B Group)
4th t.t
5th m.i
6th L.G
7th V.D
8th J.P
9th T.S
10th S.P

(C Group)
4th T.I
5th S.K
6th H.
7th t.s
8th C.N
9th A.G
10th D.R

Thank you very much!

I am 3.7w / kg-261w. Thanks to you all for a stable training!
Thank you very much

Ride On!