ZWIFT-Triathlon Blog

ZWIFT Japan Group Ride LeaderのIWABUCHIです。インドアトレーニングアプリ・ZWIFTを通して、世界戦を目指すトライアスロン・ZWIFTを基本としたブログです。


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Tour of Watopiaは最終ステージに入りましたね。皆さんの進捗はいかがでしょうか。TOWが開催の中、今日も毎週金曜日恒例のJapan Base Ride !

Course:Tempus Fugit 4Laps
GMT 26.Mar.pm7:30/ JST 27.Mar.am4:30

ただ、スタートの時にどうしても焦ってOver Powerになってしまうライダーが見受けられ、その先頭ライダーの引っ張りで後方のライダーが千切れています。スタートも落ち着いて指定のPWR(W/KG)でYellow Beacon周辺にいるように心がけていただけると嬉しいです。
B groupのLap Timeは以下の通りです。
Lead in 3:22
Lap time 23:45-23:53-23:53-23:18-25:39-26:06-26:14-25:50
Gross 27:07-51:00-1:14:53-1:38:11-2:03:50-2:29:56-2:56:10-3:22:00

B groupがC groupをキャッチしたのはLap 3の終盤でした。
キャッチのタイミングでいつも'Ride on Ride on Ride ons!!'.

Ride on Ride on Ride ons !!
C Groupから多くのライダーがB groupへJump upしてきました。まだ残りの距離は20km程ありましたので、C Leader はB からGapを作って2.7~3.2w/kg のグループを再形成しました。
その後、最も人数の少ないA groupは残り7kmの地点でB groupをキャッチ!
B groupのライダーからすると、非常に良いタイミングでした!A groupが早々にB をキャッチしてしまうと、B にとってはHard Timeが非常に長くなりますからね。


最後の1kmはFree Ride!

(A Group)
4th K.M
5th E.H
6th J.F
7th M.K
8th JI
9th F.P
10th T.K

(B Group)
4th S.K
5th M.T
6th T.E
7th O.d
8th J.Z
9th K.I
10th b.t

(C Group)
4th J.J
5th C.S
6th A.M
7th S.V
8th j.b
9th B.M
10th G.G


①1st half:241w/120bpm=2.00833
②2nd half:259w/132bpm=1.962121
③=②-①= -0.046209
③/①= ・・・-2.3%‼️👍
Total 250w/126bpm=1.98413
NP 251w - Avg250w = 1w 👍
なお、エベント後も延長してライドしていたところ、Ed Veal🇨🇦さんが合流しました。彼は3日連続でover 200km 継続中。本日が4日目だったようです。信じられませんが、世の中にはこういった驚くようなトレーニングをしている方がたくさんいて、ワクワクしますね!
金曜のBase RideはJapan Group Rideで最初に開催したイベントです。開催し始めた当初から、Rideは安定していました。いつもこのライドのおかげで金曜日を楽しく!生き生きと過ごせます!


Ride On!!

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Tour of Watopia has entered the final stage. How is your progress? While TOW is being held, today's annual Japan Base Ride every Friday!

(A) 4.0 ~ 4.5 (B) 3.3 ~ 3.9 (C) 2.7 ~ 3.2w / kg
Course: Tempus Fugit 4Laps
Participants: A-43, B-94, C-75-, total-212
GMT 26.Mar.pm7: 30 / JST 27.Mar.am4: 30

There were so many participants today. Thank you very much! Grouping is relatively difficult when there are a lot of participants, but the coordination was very good.


However, some riders are rushed to overpower at the start, and the leading rider pulls the rear rider off. I would be glad if the start was calm and I could try to stay around Yellow Beacon with the designated PWR (W / KG).
That said, it was a great group in general.


Lap Time of B group is as follows.
Lead in 3:22
Lap time 23: 45-23: 53-23: 53-23: 18-25: 39-26: 06-26: 14-25: 50
Gross 27: 07-51: 00-1: 14: 53-1: 38: 11-2: 03: 50-2: 29: 56-2: 56: 10-3: 22: 00

B group caught C group late in Lap 3.
'Ride on Ride on Ride ons !!'

Ride on Ride on Ride ons !!

Many riders have jumped up to B group from C Group. With the remaining distance of about 20km, C Leader made Gap from B and re-formed the group of 2.7 ~ 3.2w / kg.
After that, A group with the smallest number caught B group at the remaining 7km point!
It was a very good time for B group riders! If A group catches B early, B will have a very long Hard Time.


The last 1km is Free Ride!

(A Group)
🥉G, U
4th K.M
5th E.H
6th J.F
7th M.K
8th JI
9th F.P
10th T.K

(B Group)
4th S.K
5th M.T
6th T.E
7th O.d
8th J.Z
9th K.I
10th b.t

(C Group)
4th J.J
5th C.S
6th A.M
7th S.V
8th j.b
9th B.M
10th G.G

Personally, I was short on power thanks to yesterday's 60-minute rowboat.

Here is my training result.
①1st half: 241w / 120bpm = 2.00833
②2nd half: 259w / 132bpm = 1.962121
③ = ②-① = -0.046209
③ / ① = ・ ・ ・ -2.3%‼ ️👍
Total 250w / 126bpm = 1.98413
NP 251w-Avg250w = 1w 👍

In addition, Ed Veal🇨🇦 joined when I was extending the ride after the event. He has been running over 200km for three consecutive days. It seems that today was the fourth day. I can't believe it, but there are many people in the world who are doing such amazing training and it's exciting!

Friday's Base Ride is the first event held at Japan Group Ride. Ride has been stable since the beginning. Always enjoyable Friday thanks to this ride! I can spend lively!
Friday morning can not be removed!

However, today I overslept a little, so it ends at 184 km ~

Ride On !!

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